Be careful what you ask for

We think we have our lives mapped out and that we know what is best for us.  But this is rarely the case.  Reality is, no matter how much we scheme and plan, we do not know what the future holds.

When I was younger, I wished and asked for all sorts of stuff.  I prayed what I thought was needed for others.  But now I know differently.  Now I say:  “Thy will be done”.

Early on, I realized that suffering was good for me.  That although difficult to get through, it formed and shaped character and equipped me to deal with life.  I went on my knees and asked for it.  Suffice it to say that I will not ever do that again.

Right now, I love a certain little girl for my son.  I can see her in his future.  I think they will be good for one another and that they have the makings of a mature relationship.  However, I have refrained from asking for her.  I do not know what is best for my child, I do not know the future, I must therefore accept whichever way it turns out.

So, I am careful. I make sure before I ask, or wish.  And if I don’t have 100% certainty, I don’t.

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